Go Within to find your answers.

I’m here to help you along the way.

Hi, I’m Renee!

I help people move from fear to joy.

Find Guidance For…

Transforming Neediness And Codependency

Setting Healthy Boundaries In Relationships

Identifying Your Talents and Life Purpose

Becoming Aware Of Beliefs About Money

Healing And Integrating The Inner Child

Cultivating Self Love and Confidence


Food Issues

Whether it’s food addiction, over-exercising, food restriction or controlling behaviors around food, I discuss what often gives rise to these feelings and attitudes about food, and how to cultivate a healthy relationship towards food and our bodies.


Many of us learned more of the wrong way than a healthy way to be in relationship. Learn where codependency comes from and how to develop boundaries with yourself and others, as well as how to identify and vocalize your wants and needs.

Healing From Abuse

Child abuse, incest, neglect or abuse in our adult relationships can leave us with tremendous wounds. Learn about the dynamics of abusive relationships, how to leave behind victim mentality and step into your personal power.


When you come from a dysfunctional home, the ability to set healthy boundaries is often impeded. Learn about how to honor your needs and wants and communicate in a way that is loving to yourself and others.


We live in a world where we are constantly reminded of how we’re not good enough. Learn ways to reframe your story so that it no longer limits you. In it’s place we can create a new story that keeps you empowered and forward-moving.

…you are not alone. Healing is possible.

If you like the work I’m doing, please consider making a donation or sharing this website with others who are looking for support on their healing journey. Your support is greatly appreciated!